A sea of forgotten blogs!

This is not the first time I've set out to write my blog...A blog. As a first post, they are often inflated dreams and ambitious desires and the world sits back looks at your post and lets out a gutsy breath of air. 'Not another one of those,' you might say.
So I will keep it short with the complete knowledge that a first post is more for myself than anyone else and really, really, that's what writing should be about. We write for ourselves and if we are lucky enough to get paid for it then hey! It is five am here, Australasian Eastern time and I got kicked out of the bed by my nine month old baby who happened to throw up in it and on me. I laid down a towel over the spew and tried to go back to sleep, as many of you would have at 4 in the morning bu the leftovers from my cold came back to haunt me and my mind awoke with the words 'You could be writing.' 'Don't waste this time while the world sleeps, while you're husband and your baby lay passed out on YOUR side of the bed.'
Maximus sleeps sprawled out on my side of the bed and I...am awake.
My first intention was not to go at it on the computer and create a blog quick smart and write a post. No, no, no, there's too much other work in my life for that. I am now a student. I will be undertaking a degree starting in February at UWS at their newly appointed City campus. Should I be undertaking this blog as an extra added on project, what with all the work I do, the baby I have and oh, did I mention I'm a struggling writer.
We're all struggling writer's before we're published.
I have yet to set out on that all fantastic journey of actually being published!
So...because I am conscious of getting off track...Who am I? What do I do? What do I want to do?
My name is Ava Redman...it should be the title of my blog or sub-title if I ever decide to get fancy. I am a writer, a dreamer, a brain full of ideas with tonnes of potential and hopefully, hopefully, I am not just full of hot air. What do I do? Well...I drawl, I drivel and I rant most of the time though I'm confident there is also quality hidden somewhere deep within the recesses of my unfortunate mind. So I will be posting (already making a commitment) stuff that I hope (the audience hopes it too) that is of interest or if not maybe I ma content to be lost in the vast sea of forgotten blogs.
What do I want to do? We may have covered this part when I said I write and I am an aspiring writer. I'm also exploring other mediums of writings such as journo...broadening horizons and gaining insight into these things. I suppose I am perfectly entitled to explore given the aforementioned new to my degree n all. I hope not to disappoint....too much.

Lastly-at my table sits a well revised final draft of my proudest manuscript ready for submission to the Text Prize. I'll be honest...it's my third year of submitting the same work that I revise so much it's hardly recognizable...I'll be brutally honest...holding out for a competition is silly so I don't expect anything of it but perhaps I am proud of how much work I put into it in the last month to reach this deadline and so I will submit for that reason alone.


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