The bottom line

A writer, even an unpublished one such as me never rests on the job.
            Eventually everything piles up and tries to overwhelm you into an early grave. There’s the move, the childcare, the finishing of said manuscript to send off to agents and a competition. There’s the uni start a few weeks from now and that they won’t publish the timetables until the week before meaning that I have limited time to organise childcare. Then there’s Lucas who takes all of this and more because he essentially is the backbone of organising the moving, the insurance, the rent, the bonds, the boxes and taking the baby to childcare adding on another three hours of travel a day.
            For the most part my job is to motivate and encourage all the efforts he makes as stuff gets done and as I try to lighten the load. Not having a job right now, at least a paying job right now truly sucks because I want to at least show him that it’s not all on him, that I am good for other things other than looking after a baby. Searching for a job is no easy feat and when not much is going it’s important to figure out what your bottom line is. I’ve been pitching furiously to magazines and websites so that I could get work and even though a response can take up to eight weeks it is a motivational tool right now…all is not lost. I have not entirely given up on my dreams as a writer.
            But 2017 is certainly going to be busy and that’s just with Max and not including all the other stuff like moving to a new part of town, a cooler part might I add. Uni is T minus 14 days till start, timetable release is T minus 9 days.
            Patience my dear one.
            Music I’ve been listening to-Katie Perry’s new song Rise leaves you dreaming of ideas for stories.
            Taylor Swift-Out of the Woods
            Sia-Elastic heart
Currently watching the new Season One of Supergirl, and The Flash, while I sit their with my laptop or when I need a break from staring at my screen.

My cravings for superheros-temporarily quenched.


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