Luminescence 5

“You come with questions far more dangerous than you know,” hissed the creature as the satchel inched closer to it once more.
            Marcus Ambruge moved swift as an adder as his spear shot down onto the leather pouch the tip piercing through and embedding in the ground.
            The demon’s eyes snapped up at it. “You think I have not seen the future for myself? You think I don’t know what you intend to do once I tell you?”
            Marcus let the spear stay in the earth as it swayed from side to side he said, “I came to present you a choice, tell me and you live.”
            “Ah, it is the choice I did not see…what a strange occurrence that it should be on those terms. You wouldn’t wish me to stop selling secrets to my kind? You wouldn’t want me to stop warning them of their futures and the future of all demon kind? What about how to kill your kind Guardian?”

            Marcus Ambruge did not move a muscle. He sensed a change in the air and knew instantly the creature was buying time. He did not have time. 


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