The benefits behind Guest Blogging a freelance writer and journalist this advice comes in handy when starting out in the content writing industry...well it could be used in a broader term...but for the most part I like to include my ways of how I progressed in the field of writing.

I'm currently at Uni studying communications, majoring in Journalism. All my classes though not currently focused on my chosen major still centralize around writing and social media because as I'm learning now they are interconnected more closely than I before imagined.

I started out freelance writing two years ago when I joined which would eventually lead me down a pathway of writing 10,000 word stories and essays for pittance. I wouldn't recommend going down this path unless you need to learn this lesson the hard part;


Let's face it though, you're a nobody. I am a nobody in the writing field with little to no experience and so I must read the advice magazines and trawl the web pages for the How to's on freelancing.


I bought the writer's digest magazine which comes out yearly with a list of agents and heaps of advice, I like the old-school print form even though I follow much of the same advice online. But a good article in the magazine gave some wicked advice that I should have followed ages ago.

START with your connections-trawl through everyone you know in all your social media accounts, from vague acquaintances, to family to far away people you don't even truly know or have ever met. Compose a list of people you think might benefit your writing prospects and offer them something they'd be hard-pressed to say no to.

I contacted Rachael Muldoon Pro-ANB Fitness model who I knew back in the day when I was a fitness model and she works in the fitness industry with a major following. She also runs a blog and so that was my in as a freelancer needing to expand on my portfolio.

It's been a grueling effort but here is my post as her new guest blogger on her website,

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