The view from the trees

FIRST DAY OF UNI 2.0!!!!! Extra exclamation marks!!!!!!

Sooooo....I'm wondering if it makes me a nerd for having read all the materials but...oh who cares? I have embraced my inner nerd from day one and I love me!!!!! There will be a walk in the streets dedicated to me and my awesomeness later in the day (will post photos of said awesomeness unless the police break it up)

So----------Okay okay, who cares about the classes I just had. I'm looking forward to Writing Ecologies and how badass I need to be for it tomorrow. The readings and web content blow my mind.

I guess everything looks good brand new and shiny in its clear plastic sexy packaging. I hope it is as awesome as my nervous system keeps telling me it will be.

Ahhhhhh!!!! Later today I will give serious thought to my overuse of exclamation marks and whether I need a reality check on this one (I probably do in some form of my life).

For now I am content to let my young fresh self be drawn in by the Education system (not the school one) and let me mind be blown.


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