Luminescence 47

Eros rotated his blades that grin whispering of a long forgotten pleasure. It had been an age since he’d had any fun, any unsanctioned fun. “Now remember,” he purred. “The friendly shop keeper would like us not to wreck his shop.”
            Ramon swore.
            One of the demons answered with two plunging fists to the counter, glass erupting in his wake. The jar had been slipped into the pocket of the first demon earlier.
Another demon grabbed an ancient blade in the cabinet box swiping it out.
            “That’s Atarian bronze,” Ramon yelled. “I’m warning you all, not to mess with my shop. Most of my items are cursed so don’t touch nothing.”
            Eros’s smile turned wicked as the two demons moved. He shot his blades through the air. Knives sliced. The demon’s knife went flying.
            Marcus and the other demon still fought.
            Eros ducked and weaved nearly hitting a cabinet behind him. One demon smacked the cabinet with a satisfying crunch. “Can I just say that I’m not the one causing the destruction?” Eros swiped to the right as another cabinet splintered behind him.
            “You set them off!” Ramon yelled. 
            Eros and Marcus knew the drill not to kill them until they’d gotten all the information they needed and then…if need be Eros would intervene. For now they toyed with them, vented that energy they’d long had to hold onto. Let them hold the jar for that small amount of time.


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