Luminescence 50

“Well don’t I feel famous,” Eros slid his knives with equal precision back within their clasps around his torso, melting to his body with ease. His suit was hardly ruffled in the fight, his hair only a little swept out of place.
            He ran a hand through his hair as he surveyed the ex-Guardian.
            “You knew I would do this,” Ramon said.
            “You didn’t think we didn’t come prepared?” Eros stepped around the bodies still inanimate. He touched Marcus’s shoulder, tracing a line down his bare skin.
The dark giant blinked out of his reverie. “Thank you, Eros,” he looked to the shop owner. “Ramon,” he nodded.
“You used me,” Ramon said.
“Consider it a strategic manoeuvre,” Eros stepped around the demons lowering their weapons careful not to touch them directly. “Using your power saved me from using mine.” He glanced at Ramon over his shoulder, “You know how draining manipulating time is. I knew you would only be able to do it once and”-
“If I used it, you wouldn’t have to worry about me using it later.”
“They said you were a fox.”

“I’m sure you thought I’d be a redhead,” Eros beamed back. Silver-tongued fox they’d called him. The Guardian who hardly ever resorted to his powers. 


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