Luminescence 14

She pushed against the wall in the corridor, pressing her forehead against the cold bricks, her nails grating along the coarse stone.
Chase appeared next to her as he leaned against the wall. He turned towards her, a cool smirk on his face as he folded his arms across his chest. He had tan olive skin and gold flecked hair that sparkled when the light hit it a certain way and his eyes, those luminous orbs now watched her with that luminous curiosity that put her on edge. She hated him, his perfection, his popularity and everything…everything about him. She’d lived in London her whole life, always tried to fit in and failed but Chase had had no trouble belonging.
“We gotta stop meeting like this,” he whistled, so carefree she questioned whether he even knew the extent of the trouble they were in.
He was toying with her, toying with a ball of string and tossing it her way. This time she would not take the bait. Instead she closed her eyes and inhaled the scent of brick and chalk. When she opened them again he stood a fraction closer, too close for her liking.
She stepped back.
“Why Aelius?” he whispered. “I liked it when it was Aurelia.”
“I haven’t been Aurelia since I was twelve,” she breathed, her heart rate ratcheted up as he took a step closer and she knew he was baiting her once again. Not this time. He wouldn’t get the satisfaction. She bit her lip and stared at the wall again tracing the scratches in the bricks with her forefinger.
Chase turned towards the wall until they were shoulder to shoulder. His finger traced a brick, until his hand was inches away from hers. “You wouldn’t let me get under your skin like you do if there wasn’t a reason.” 


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