Luminescence 20

Chapter 5

“Ramon is in Soho,” Marcus said.
            “I know,” Eros held the menu aloft, his grey gaze skimming the laminated menu. The smell of grease and eggs wafted through the café, clinging to the walls, coffee overpowering it with a spurt and whine of the machine. The café was chequered in blue, plastic, cheap and empty, exactly how Eros had needed it to be. The walls were stained with smoke and the only ones in here were drunks from the night before.
            Marcus sat opposite Eros in the booth, his sheer size hunched over, his eyes eliciting the only movement as he scanned the crowd and the café. He wore his Prada suit, tailored to accommodate his size, in a slate grey shadow. “We are not in Soho, time is of the essence.”
            “You are so predicable my friend.”
            “I am timely,” Marcus countered, “And not here for pleasure.”
            Eros flattened the menu and summoned the waitress with a flick of his wrist.
            Her overbearing smile and peppiness twitched a muscle in Marcus’s neck.
            “Two coffees, black, extra strong,” Eros flicked his companion a gaze, “And two full breakfasts.”
            The waitress left a moment later though there was resistance in her stance.
            Marcus waited until the woman was out of earshot. “My friend, I understand you are hungry but we must be go”-

            “No, Marcus, you don’t understand.” 


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