Luminescence 27

The antique shop lay on the high street, squatting between an adult bookstore and a pub, its existence minimal in the bustle that was London’s tourist zone.
            The team of Guardians went almost unnoticed amidst a flow of colourful tourists dressed in I-heart-London t shirts donning selfy sticks. One by one as the Guardians approached their destination they sifted off to various corners to watch from afar. They were linked in together by Candor’s telepathic skills that honed them all in the same wave patterns so that they could communicate without talking.
            Rover set up, he telepathed down the line.
            Enda in place, he telepathed.
            Annandale in the pub, he telepathed.
            Candor was the last to walk into the adult book store staying close to the window where he could see passers by as he watched Marcus and Eros glide past him on an invisible current.
            The two strode into the antique shop.

A moment later the door sign flipped to Closed. 


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