Luminescence 23

There was a hesitant pause before Rover stepped forward, the oldest of the three. “It’s an honour,” he extended his hand.
            “Sir,” Enda stepped in putting out his hand.
            “The Grimskeeper in the flesh,” Annandale said as he nodded to the man.
            Marcus Ambruge said nothing as he shook their hands.
            Eros sighed as the waitress came in with two plates loaded with food. The group moved to a larger booth to accommodate the added numbers.
            Eros and Marcus sat shoulder to shoulder as the newcomers sat opposite them. “Marcus, I’m sure you’ve heard of the Travelling Guardians,” Eros’s mouth turned up at the corners as he surveyed the team.
            Marcus merely nodded in response.
            “I figured they were our best chance in helping us on this mission. Their powers extend outside the boundaries of Aurelia and they’re a useful pair of hands.”
            “I know who they are,” Marcus turned to face Eros. “We don’t need them.”
            “I’m sitting right here,” Enda chimed in.
            “Go home,” Marcus said giving a cutting glance to them all. “If you know what’s good for you then you won’t get involved.”
“I been all around town doin your bidding,” Rover growled.
“The Council’s bidding,” Marcus said.
“You think I don’t know how much power your woman’s got? Think I don’t know where the orders are coming from?”

            Eros pushed his plate of food towards Enda, “We need them.”


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