Luminescence 17

Chapter 3

Marcus stepped off the plane as a sheet of rain sliced across his face. The sky was opaque gray and the sun seemed to have never set foot here.
            Eros shuffled behind him in the queue down the steps, pulling the lapels of his grey trench coat up around his neck. The other passengers grumbled behind him waiting in the shelter of the plane cabin. “Let’s hope we don’t have to stay too long here,” Eros grumbled as they shuffled down the steps.
Marcus Ambruge did not reply only to take another step down the stairs, a gut feeling told him they’d be here longer than just a few days. Marcus was keen to get off the plane, his elongated head had already caused quite a stir and now stuck in a queue he was the subject of many sidelong looks. The stewardess had treated him like a caged animal though he wore a tailored Armani suit in pinstripe black.
“I don’t know why Kleou must live in such a dreary city where food tastes like piss and drink tastes like ass,” Eros muttered.
Marcus did not respond only to give Eros a sidelong look, finally taking off as the queue moved along.

“Bloody London.”
                                                  End of Chapter 3


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